1. My New Shoes Were Stolen...
Arr. by H.Kytasty
(Чи це ж тії черевички...)
2. Potpourri
Arr. by H. Kytasty
a. Ancient dance melody (Старовинний танок)
b. Oh, willow, willow where did you grow... (Ой вербо, вербо)
Solopart P. Honcharenko
c. Oh, my sweetheart... (А мій милий)
3. Echo Of The Steppes
Music by H. Kytasty
(Гомін степів)
4. Two Folksongs
Arr. by H. Kytasty
a. The reaper (Женчик)
b. A little hare (Зайчик)
1. Nechaj
Arr. by O. Koshytz
Soloparts: R. Kassaraba and P. Pacholuk
2. Piper, Oh Piper
We miss you so
Arr. by M. Leontovych
3. I Would Play Bandura
Arr. by H. Kytasty
And reveal my soul
(Взяв би я бандуру...)
4. You Promised Fickle Maiden
But wed other
Arr. by P. Potapenko
(Казала дівчина)
5. The Swans
Lyric song
By H. Kytasty
Solist G. Oryshkewych
6. In The Garden With Godmother
Arr. by H. Kytasty
(Садом, садом кумасенько)
Ой вербо, вербо
Гомін степів
Взяв би я бандуру...
Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus
No. 18
Hryhory Kytasty, Conductor
The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus was organized in Kiev, capital of Ukraine, in 1918, and was dedicated to the memory of the greatest Ukrainian poet, Taras Shevchenko. It consists of 30 male singers, each of whom plays the "Bandura", a national Ukrainian instrument.
The Bandura became a very popular instrument in Ukraine in the 16th century. It has 30 to 60 strings, ranging through five octaves which are plucked by the fingers. The Bandura unifies, to a certain degree, the principles of the two instruments, that of the lute and harp. The sound of the Bandura is somewhat emphatic but gentle.
The Ukrainian Bandurists were admitted to the United States as permanent residents. Since 1949, this Chours has given constant performances in the leading concert halls of the United States, Canada and Western Europe, arousing the greatest enthusiasm wherever it performed.
Присвячується Мє Леонтовичеві з нагоди 100-ліття народження.
Cover by E. Kozak
Distributor, Ukrainian Bandurists Chorus - P.O. Box 12129, Hamtramck Br., Detroit, Michigan 48212 , U.S.A.
This was the first recording I was ever involved in - recorded in the summer of 1977. I was a young 15 year old bandurist and student of Hryhory Kytasty. Recorded in the very acoustic Carpenter Hall in Hamtramck, MI. Virtuozo bandura solo (uncredited) was the superb Petro Fedorovych Honcharenko. An amazing experience. I continued with the group for 25 years.
ReplyDeleteI stand corrected - Honcharenko was credited.