Сторона 1
1. Щедрик
2. В полі, полі
3. В’язанка щедрівок і колядок
4. На йорданській річці
5. Ой в Єрусалимі рано задзвонили
Сторона 2
1. Христос родився
2. Небо і земля
3. Во Вифлеємі зоря сіяє
4. В’язанка щедрівок і колядок
5. Ой леліє, леліє
6. Спи Ісусе, спи
Produced by Bohdan Tymyc
Made in Canada
1981 Yevshan Communications, Inc
CYFP 1016
Buy From Yevshan - Купуй В Євшані
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Черемшина - Свято Різдва
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Не Журись - Колядки
1. Поміж трьома дорогами
2. По коніченьку
3. Ой сивая зозуленька
4. На Йвана
5. Що ж там ся світить
6. Небо і земля
7. Добрий вечір тобі
8. Темненькая нічка
9. У Вифлеємі новина
10. Ой зійшла зоря
11. Слава во вишнім Богу
12. Пішов Ірод
13. Не плач Рахиле
14. Ірод цар
15. Народився Бог на санях
16. Нова радість сталаНародився Бог на саннях
Що ж там ся світить
Темненькая нічка
Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus - Christmas Carols
Side 1
1. Silent Night (F. Gruber)
2. It Came Upon The Midnight Clear (R.S. Wills)
3. Christmas Melodies (Instrumental)
a. In The Town Of Bethlehem Во Вифлеємі (Arr. H. Kytasty)
b. Rejoice All, God Has Came From Heaven Возвеселімся (Arr. S. Liudkewych)
c. Shchedryk - Carol Of The Bells Щедрик (Arr. M. Leontowych)
4. Christmas Bells Різдвяні Дзвони (H. Koncewych - H. Kytasty) Soloist W. Kuczer
5. Let Us Sing Today And Rejoice Together Днесь Поюще
(Arr. K. Stetzenko) Soloist P. Sadowy
Side 2
1. God Eternal Was Born Unto The World Today Бог Предвічний
2. In The River Jordan The Virgin Mary Bathed Her New Born Son На Йорданській Річці
(Arr. K. Stetzenko)
3. Joyful Tidings Have Spread Over The World,The Virgin Mary Has Given Birth По Всьому Світу
(Arr. K. Stetzenko)
4. What Is This Wonder That Has Come Over The World Що То За Предиво
(Arr. V. Barvinsky - V. Bozyk) Soloist E. Ciura
5. A New Joy Has Descended, Chris Is Born And The Angels Sing, Proclaiming Peace. Нова Радість Стала
6. Saints Sit Crushing Rocks For The Building Of A Church Святі Сиділи
(Arr. V. Bozyk)
Soloists: P. Honcharenko, tenor P. Pacholuk, basso
7. God Sees The World In Peril And Sends His Son Ой Видить Бог
(Arr. K. Stetzenko)
Hryhory Kytasty, Conductor.
Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus was organized in Kiev, capital of Ukraine,
in 1918, and was dedicated to the memory of the greatest Ukrainian Poet,
Taras Shevchenko. It consists of 30 male singers, each of whom plays
the "Bandura", a national Ukrainian instrument.
The Bandura became a
very popular instrument in Ukraine in the 16th century. It has 30 to 60
strings, ranging through five octaves which are plucked by the fingers.
The Bandura unifies, to a certain degree, the principles of two
instruments, that of the lute and harp. The sound of the Bandura is
somewhat emphatic but gentle.
The Ukrainian Bandurists were admitted
to the United States as permanent residents. Since 1949, this Chorus
has given constant performances in the leading concert halls of the
United States, Canada and Western Europe, arousing the greatest enthusiasm wherever it performed.
Cover - Y. Krochmaluk
Distributor, Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus - No. 13
Friday, December 24, 2010
Good Times 'Veselka' - Ukrainian Traditional and Contemporary Music
Side 1
1. Tsyhanochko, Luba Moya - My Gypsy Love
2. Kohut - The Rooster
3. Ochi Voloshkovi - Blue Eyes
4. Nad Potokom - By The Stream
5. Tyzh Mene Pidmanula - You Fooled Me Again
Side 2
1. Volyn Moya - My Volyn
2. Sertse - The Heart
3. Chum-Ba-Ra - My Girl Marusia
4. Zhovte Lyctia - Yellow Leaves
5. Hey Tam Na Hori - The Sich
Vern Biehler - Accordion and Bass
Ivan Bodyk - Drums and Vocal
Ivan Kornylo - Alto, Tenor, Soprano Saxophone and Vocals
Wasyl Kornylo - Guitar, Mandolin and Vocals
Sasha Podolsky - Piano, Sythesizer and Vocals
Produced and Arranged by Good Times 'Veselka'
Recorded and Mixed at Recording Concepts Limited, Rochester, New York 14625
Engineered by Roderick J. Williams
Assistant Engineer Tony Ezzo
Cover Kraus/LeFevre Studios, Inc.
Design Jurij T. Kraus
Artists Marion Fluchere, Ross Chirico
1980 Kraus/LeFever Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Made and Printed in the U.S.A.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Kobza - Banned in the USSR
Side 1
1. Oy pry luzhku, pry luzhku (nar.)
2. Nich yaka misyachna (Y. Kacatnikna)
3. Dudaryk (nar.)
4. Ballada pro dvokh Lebediv (B. Yanivsky - I. Drach)
5. Holubivna (B. Yanivsky - B. Stelymach)
6. Na Ivana Kupala (nar.)
Side 2
1. Vodohray (V. Ivacenko)
2. Vesnyanka (A. Filipenko - A. Nafrochky)
3. Zaychyk (O. Zyef)
4. Oy poyikhav za snopamy (nar.)
5. Oy kynu ya buk na yamu (nar.)
6. Lisova pisnya (O. Zyef - A. Nafrochky)
7. Tay orav muzhik kray dorohy (nar.)
8. Spivayte razom z namy (nar.)
до укаїнської пісні та музики зібрала молодих людей в інструментальний
ансамбль. Назвали свій гурток - „КОБЗОЮ“. Почали підбирати до своєї
музики поетичне слово.
Не згаджувалися співати ані російські пісні,
ані пісні з політичним змістом. За це їм було заборонено грати поза
Києвеом, а їхня пластинка тільки продавалася туристам на показ.
ця пластинка попала нам у руки ми вирішили її видати, щоби наша молодь і
ціла громада на еміґрації мала нагоду її послухати.
Мистецьке виконання є високого рівня, модерна форма тісно пов’язана з українським фольклором.
1. Produced by - Ukrainian Canadian University Students Union.
2. Art work - W. Dashko
3. Cover design & Management - B. Chomiak
S.M.T. Productions LTD. P.O. Box 6132, Terminal A. Toronto
Stereo S.M.T. 70-27
Cossack of the Ukraine
Side One
1. Ishov Kozak Dorohoyu - A Cossack Meets a Girl
Solo: M. Puzin with Orchestra of Folk Instruments
2. Driben Doshchyk Ide - A Light Rain Is Falling
Ukrainian Bandura Ensemble
3. Divchyno Kokhana, Zdorova Bula - Hello, My Darling
Solo: D. Hnatiuk. Banduras: A. Bobyr, V. Kukhta
4. Dumy Moyi, Dumi Moyi - My Thoughts
(Words by Taras Shevchenko) Ukrainian Chorus Conducted by A. Myn'kovych
5. Bud' Zdrava Zemlytse - Goodby, My Native Land
(Lemko Folk Song) Baiko Sisters Trio
6. Bulo Lito, Bulo Lito - The Summer Has Passed
(Chumak Song) Solo: A. Darchuk
7. A V Nediliu Na Podvir'iu Muzyky Zahraly - The Musicians Where Playing
(Transcarpathian Folk Song) Lvov Folklore Ensemble
Side Two
1. Zakuvala Syva Zozulen'ka - The Cuckoo Song
Ukrainian Bandura Ensemble
2. Oi, U Poli - In The Field
Aria of Mykola - From the Opera "Natalka Poltavka"
Solo: M. Hrishko with Kiev Opera Orchestra
3. Oi, Tam Za Yarom - Beyond The Grove
The Dumka Chorus Conducted by A. Soroka
4. Yanchyk-Podolianchyk (Folk Song From Galicia)
Ukrainian Women's Chorus
5. Zahuliala Da Metelykha - Metelykha's Merry-Go-Round
Ukrainian Folk Chorus
See Tony Curtis/Yul Brynner in Harold Hecht's Eastmandcolor Production Taras Bulba released thru United Artists
Monitor MF394
Monitor Records 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York
Other Ukrainian music on Monitor, available now at your local record store:
MFS 301 Songs and dances of the Ukraine, Vol. 1
MF 308 Songs and dances of the Ukraine, Vol. 2
MF 315 Ukraina: The Ukrainian Dumka Chorus
MF 334 Songs and Dances of the Ukraine, Vol 4
MF 376 Hopak: Ukrainian songs and dances, Vol 5
MFS 392 Popular Ukrainian Folk Songs sung by Olga Pavlova
MFS 460 Ukrainian songs & dances, Vol 7
MFS 446 17 Popular Ukrainian dances
Соловей - Час хай летить
1. Завітайте до нас
Народня пісня. Музична обробка: Петро Байрачний то Віктор Ліщина
Співають: Петро Байрачний, Віктор Ліщина, Ярослав Аримишин
Ukrainian traditional folk song.
Musical arrangement: Peter Bayrachny and Victor Lishchyna
Vocals: Peter Bayrachny, Victor Lishchyna and Yaroslaw Artymyshyn
2. Бачу тебе
Слова: Леонід Ліщина. Мизика Мстислав Федак. Співає: Віктор Ліщина
Words: Leonid Lishchyna. Music: Misty Fedak.
Musical arrangement: Misty Fedak. Vocals: Victor Lishchyna.
3. Писанка
Слова і музика: Борис Дніпровий. Музична обробка: Петро Байрачний та Сем Юрело
Співають: Петро Байрачний та Віктор Ліщина
Words and music: Boris Dniprovy.
Musical arrangement: Peter Bayrachny and Sam Ierullo.
Vocals: Peter Bayrachny and Victor Lishchyna.
4. Чарівниця
Слова і музика: Віктор Ліщина. Мизична обробка: Віктор Ліщина
Співають: Віктор Ліщина та Петро Байрачний
Words and music: Victor Lishchyna.
Musical arrangement: Victor Lishchyna.
Vocals: Victor Lishchyna and Peter Bayrachny.
5. Кримське кабаре
Інструментальний твір. Музика: Мстислав Федак. Мизична обробка: Мстислав Федак
Instrumental. Music: Misty Fedak. Musical arrangement: Misty Fedak.
6. Ой, Марічко
Народня пісня. Музична обробка: Петро Байрачний та Сем Юрело.
Співають: Петро Байрачний, Віктор Ліщина, Ярослав Аримишин.
Ukrainian Traditional Folk Song.
Musical arrangement: Peter Bayrachny and Sam Ierullo.
Vocals: Peter Bayrachny, Victor Lishchyna and Yaroslaw Artymyshyn.
1. Час хай летить
Весільна пісня. Слова і музика: Віктор Ліщина.
Оркестральна обробка: Джек Заза.
Співають: Віктор Ліщина та Уляна Перефецька
Пісня присвячена Ларисі та Петрові Байрачним в денж їхнього вінчання.
The Wedding Song. Words and music: Victor Lishchyna.
String, horn and woodwind arrangement: Jack Zaza.
Vocals: Victor Lishchyna and Ulana Perfecky.
Written for Larissa and Peter Bayrachny in honour of their wedding day.
2. Коли дивлюся глибоко в любі очі
Слова: Леся Українка. Мизика: Мстислав Федак. Співає: Віктор Ліщина.
Words: Lesia Ukrainka. Music: Misty Fedak. Vocals: Victor Lishchyna.
3. Ой, піду я понад лугом
Народня пісня. Музична обробка: Петро Байрачний, Мстислав Федак та Сем Юрело.
Співають: Петро Байрачний, Віктор Ліщина, Ярослав Артимишин.
Ukrainian traditional folk song.
Musical arrangement: Peter Bayrachny, Misty Fedak, Sam Ierullo.
Vocals: Peter Bayrachny, Victor Lishchyna, Yaroslaw Artymyshyn.
4. Дивлячись назад
Слова: Леонід Ліщина. Музика: Сем Юрело.
Музична обробка: Сем Юрело та Джек Заза.
Співають: Віктор Ліщина та Петро Байрачний.
Words: Leonid Lishchyna. Music: Sam Ierullo.
Musical arrangement: Sam Ierullo and Jack Zaza.
Vocals: Victor Lishchyna and Peter Bayrachny.
5. Час пройшов (Соловей ІІ)
Слова і мизика: Віктор Ліщина. Музична обробка: Віктор Ліщина та Сем Юрело.
Співають: Віктор Ліщина та Петро Байрачний
Words and music: Victor Lishchyna.
Musical arrangement: Victor Lishchyna and Sam Ierullo.
Vocals: Victor Lishchyna and Peter Bayrachny
Peter Bayrachny - Accordion, vocals, melodica
Victor Lishchyna - Bass guitar, piano, vocals
Sam Ierullo - Baritone saxophone, tenor saxophone, clarinet
George Radewych - Electric guitar, acoustic guitar
Misty Fedak - Trumpet, percussion
Steve Hodowany - Drums, persussion
Additional Musicians:
Jack Zaza - Flutes, clarinet, alto saxophone
Peter Zaza - Electric piano, synthesizer
Mike Romanick - Clarinet
Ihor Bidiak - Violin
Andrey Perfecky - Violin
Ulana Perfecky - Vocal on the Wedding Song
Yaroslaw Artymyshyn - Backup vocals
Recorded and mixed at: Zaza Sound Productions, 322 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario
Engineered by: Steve Ritchie
Art direction and design by: Larissa Byrachny
the fall of 1975, in front of about 200 people who were attending a
wedding anniversary in Toronto, Canada, armed with an accordion, guitar,
mandolin and electronic rhythm box, a tine newly-created band named
Solovey played publicly
for the first time. Nine years later during the Ukrainian New Year's
celebration in Toronto, a group of eight young men, all smartly dressed
in black tuxedos, stood on a stage and gazed in awe at a magnificent,
elegant ballroom filled with 2000 people who were ready to kick up their
heels and dance the night away. Only one thought was running through
the minds of the musicians: years of hard work and total devotion to
their craft had paid off, culminating in this exciting evening which
served only to emphasize the point - Solovey was indeed a success!
Time Drift By" is Solovey's second album. As the title indicates, the
passage of time is not something that the band fears or dwells on. In
fact time has served only to enrich the band members' musical skill and
creativity and increase their love for music, especially their
admiration for the beauty of Ukrainian lyrics and melodies. The band's
style has changed significantly over the years, partially due to the
addition of new members, but even more so because of the progression to
writing original material. Seven songs on this album are original
compositions by band members. This is a direction Solovey intends to
continue to follow in the future, and at the same time wishes to
encourage other talented songwriters to utilize their gift in order to
create innovative music which preserves the spirit and feeling of the
Ukrainian tradition, while tastefully incorporating current trends and
We would like to extend a very special thank-you and express our gratitude to the following people who made this album possible:
ZAZA, for his invaluable assistance, moral support, and especially for
his beautifully orchestrated arrangement of the Wedding Song...
PETER ZAZA, for his patience and for lending his magical touch on the keyboards...
PAUL ZAZA, for providing us with his excellent studio and a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere in which to work...
RICHIE, for not only contributing his superb engineering skills, but
for his advice, patience and total dedication to such an extend, that in
a true sense, he become a member of the band...
dazzling us with his clarinet and for playing with Solovey at live
performances when he's not playing with Toronto's Burya band...
ANDREY PEFRECKY and IHOR BIDIAK, for sweeting our sound with their violins...
ULANA PERFECKY, for giving us her beautiful voice to record the Wedding Song...
ARTYMYSHYN (Arty), for enhancing the vocals of three of the songs and
for being at the recording sessions to advice and support us...
WALTER GRYS (Polock), Solovey's "live" sound engineer, for his advise and support...
BILL HAVRYSCHUK, for his invaluable technical advice and assistance...
LEONID LISHCHYNA, for his writing skills, which provided us with lyrics, constructive criticism, and proofreading...
LARISSA BAYRACHNY, for advising and supporting us from the very inception of this album to its completion...
JULIE WOOTTEN, for helping us meet our deadline...
AND ALL OTHERS who have inadvertantly not been mentioned involved in this musical effort.
Чайка - Chayka
Side One
1. Vodohraij
2. Harna Ya Harna
3. Ne Shumy Kalyno
4. Oy Voloshky
5. Teche Voda Kalamutna
Side Two
1. Chotery Rojhy
2. Ty Z'Lubove Sobi Ne Jartui
3. Tsvite Teryn
4. Chayka: Buryia - Pishnia
Peter Shurowsky
Tony Puntus
John Fuke
Myroslava Gimon
Bill Caskey
Stephen Shurowsky
Produced by Chayka Productions
Recorded and mixed at Quest Recording Studios, Oshawa
Engineered by Paul LaChapelle
Photography by Orest Iwashko
Art work by Yar Yankevych
Graphics by Rosie Ginstl
Special thanks to J.C. & Stefan
Right hand man Andy Holub
Correspondence: Chayka Productions Inc., Box #2094 Oshawa
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Юліян Китастий - Julian Kytasty - Ukrainian Bandurist
1. Гетманський танець - Hetman's dance Музика П. Гончаренка / music P. Honcharenko
2. Козак Сопрун - Suprun (The Sunday Campaigner) Імпровізація на основі старовинної козацької пісні- improvization on a XVII c. Kozak melody
3. Полянка - Polianka
Народня танкова мелодія / Traditional dance melody
4. Полечка - Polechka
Народня танкова мелодія - Traditional dance melody
5. Старовинний Козачкок - Old time kozachok
Народня танкова мелодія / Traditional dance melody
6. Аделіта - Adelita
Мизика Ф. Тарреґи - music F. Tarrega
Переклад для бандури Ю. Китастого - Transcribed for bandura J. Kytasty
7. Полька Вільшанка - Vilshanka Polka
Музика П. Гончаренка - Music P. Honcharenko
8. Адажіо - Agadio
Мизика П. Ґліера - Music R. Gliere
Переклад для бандури Ю. Китастого - Transcribed for bandura J. Kytasty
9. Тропак - Tropak
Народня танкова мелодія - Traditional dance melody
1. Ой коню мій коню - The golden mane
Народня пісня - Traditional folk song
2. У Києві на базарі - At Kiev Market
Жартівлива пісня - Traditional folk song
3. Чумак - Chumak
Імпровізація на основі чумацької пісні “Ой ходив чумак“ - Improvisation on a salt-trader's song
4. Попадя - The priest's wife
Жартівлива пісня - Traditional folk song
5. Пісня про Оксану - Oksana
Слова Ю. Буряківця музика Г. Китастого - text Y. Buriakivets music H. Kytasty
6. Виший, виший - The embroidered shirt
Слова М. Пироженка мизика Г. Китастого - Text M. Pyrozhenko music H. Kytasty
7. Нема в світі правди - The passing on Truth
Старовинна кобзарська пісня - Traditional Kobzar song (XVII c.)
Julian Kytasty is a modern day embodiment of an ancient tradition as a player of the bandrua, the most popular Ukrainian folk instrument. Like the bandurists of times past who carried their songs from town to town, he has captivated audiences and inspired students from Perth to Paris and from Roblin, Manitoba to Buenos Aires.
When not travelling, Mr. Kytasty makes his home in New York City, where he moved to in 1980 to direct the New York School of Bandura. Later he was a founding member of Homin Stepiv (Echo of the Steppes bandura ensemble) and thaught the first accredited university level bandura course outside Ukraine at Rutgers, Newark.
For Mr. Kytasty, who studied history at the University of Michigan, learning and revivifying the history of the bandura and its music have always been of primary importance. Born in Detroit in 1958, he began studying the instrument as a child with his father, Petro Kytasty, and grand-father, Ivan Kystasty, both virtuoso bandurists. They fostered in him a deep love and respect for the tradition.
While in his teens he joined the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus which was then under the directorship of his great-uncle, Hryhory Kytasty (1907-1984). An inspiration to young bandurists world-wide, the late maestro Kytasty was a conductor, composer and performer of unequaled talent and magnetism. Following his example, Julian Kytasty decided to make the bandura his own life's work.
This first solo recording follows many years of work directing and arranging music for ensembles, two of which have recorded with Yevshan: I ho New York School of Bandura (YFP 1032) and, the critically acclaimed, Homin Slepiv (YFP 1036).
Юліян Китастий є модерним втіленням стародавньої традиції гри на бандурі, найбільш популярному українському народньому інструменті. Так як бандуристи минулих днів, що несли свої пісні з міста в місто, він захоплював слухачів та давав натхнення учням гри на бандурі від Петру в Австралії до Парижу та, від Роблин в Манітобі до Буенос Айрес.
Коли не подорожує по світі, Ю. Китастий проживає в Ню Йорку від 1980 року, куди приїхав провадити школу гри на бандурі. Згодом він був співосновником ансамблю „Гомін Степів“ та перший поза межами України вчив акредитований університецького рівня курс бандури в Ратґерс - Нюарк.
Для Ю. Китастого, який студіював історію в Університеті Мішіґен, важнішим від усього було завжди вивчати та відроджувати історію бандури та її музичне мистецтво.
Народжений в 1958 році в Детройті, він ще бувши дитиною почав вивчати цей інструмент зі своїм батьком, Петром Китастим, та дідом, Іваном Китастим, бандуристами віртуозами. Вони виплекали в нього глибоку любов та пошану до традиції.
Ще будучи підлітком Юліян Китастий став членом Капелі Бандуристів ім. Тараса Шевченка, що в цей час була під проводом його стиєчного діда, Григорія Китастого (1907-1984). Покійний Григорій Китастий був інспірацією для молодих бандуристів по цілому світі як диригент, композитор, та виконавець неперевершеного рівня та особистого магнетизму. Наслідуючи його приклад, Юліян Китастий рішив взяти бандуру та зробити її своїм життєвим заняттям.
Цей його перший сольовий альбом появляється після багатьох років диригентської праці та аранжировки музики для ансамблів бандуристів, з яких два записали та видали свої пластинки в видавництві „Євшан“: Школа Кобзарського Мистецтва в Ню Йорку (YFP 1032) та відзначений критиками „Гомін Степів“ (YFP 1036)
Selecting from a vast repetoire, Julian Kytasty has compiled material that will provide the listener with a truly involving musical experience. From the lively dance tunes, which require speed and precision, to the elaborate and meditative improvisations, the instrumental performances are ex-hilirating. The expressive vocal numbers, that comprise about half the recording, display a complete dramatic range from the comic to the tragic.
Like a craftsman choosing the most appropriate tool, Mr. Kytasty chooses, from among his three instruments for the one the best suited to a particular piece. The three differ not only in construction and stringing patterns, but also in tonal quality, affecting the pacing and energy of each performance.
The bright sound of the CHERNIIIIV bandura, for example, is ideal for example, is ideal for extremely fast playing. Mr. Kytasty delights with his proficiency on several pieces Hetman's Dance, Polechka, Polianka and Tropak.
The wide range and capacity for dynamics contrasts also make the CHERNIHIVKA a suitable accompanying instrument for songs as different as the light-hearted Kiev Market and the dramatic Oksana. The turbulent accompaniment to Oksana constantly interacts with the emotionally charged story of a love tragically ended by a volley from a Nazi firing squad; the instrumental writing is typical of the style developed by Hryhory Kytasty, one of the banduras greatest performers. This style is also evident in his transcription of R. Gliere's Adagio, originally written for orchestra.
The CHERNIHIV bandura's predecessor, the POLTAVKA, is still made by craftsmen all over the world and played by bandurists who favor its stringing patterns and mellower sound. The STEPOVIY bandura used on the middle register, best heard in Kozak Suprun.
This ethereal piece, like Chumak, is improvised on the basis of a traditional folk melody. Improvisation has always played a critical role in the performances of traditional forms, and in fact, a bandurists skills was often measured by his improvisational abilities. Today it is as skill which will determine the continuing musical development of the instrument.
Improvisation is also a key to the pieces played on the KOBZARSKA bandura. This instrument, with its muted tones and quirky modal tunings, is the oldest in conception, yet newest in execution; the music is similarly ancient in origin and yet only as old as the instant of performance. The spontaneous performance of the Golden Mane sprang from a melody which Mr. Kytasty dicovered in an old song book. When it is compared to The Passing of Truth, it becomes apparent that often for the bandurist of the oral tradition there is only a hazy line between arrangement and spontaneous performance.
The Pssing, which Mr. Kytasty learned from several texts and old recordings, is about the wiched people who trample on truth (pravda) and raise falsehood (nepravda) to sit at their table. He ends the record with this traditional kobzar song, as he does his live performances, because of its timeless and universal message.
Produced by Bohdan Tymyc
Photography by Irene Photo Studio
Cover design - B Tymyc
Calligraphy - M. Rudy
Sound engineer - Glen Robinson, Reginald Guy
Special thanks to Marion Rudy for assistance
Recorded and mixed at Studio Victor
Montreal, Quebec - May 1987
Yevshan Corporation 1987
Made and printed in Canada, Fabrique au Canada
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Мрія - Mria

1. Ворожка ворожила
народна пісня
2. Зачарован Десна
народна пісня
3. Карпатська душа
хл. Р. Сікачовський, миз. Ю. Свинтук
4. Марічка
сл. М. Ткач, муз. О. Сабадаш
Сторінка 2
1. Соловію
народна пісня
2. Цвіте терен
народна пісня
3. Торядни
4. У вишневому садочку
народна пісня
5. Зів’яла квітка
сл. Р. Сікачовський, муз Ю. Свитник
6. Чабан
народна пісня
William Telwak - woodwinds, vocals
Michael Chyterbok - drums, vocals
Adam Bihun - synthesizers, brass
Andrew Browar - keyboards, vocals
George Swytnyk - guitars, vocals
produced by Mria
front cover design and illustration by Oleh Sydor
portraits by Ruth Rudawski-Sikaczowski
thanks to John Kocur and Eugene Swytnyk for their help
thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Sikaczowski for their understanding
special thanks to John Steciw for his encouragemnet and guidance
recorded and mixed at Hedden West Studios, Shaumburg, Illinois
engineered by Rich Lovison, Phil Milner, and Joe Ottmixed by John Ott
mastered by Gary Hedden at Discwerks, Shaumburg, Illinois
stereo CNCP 8101
1981 by Concept records
2331 West Iowa Street
Chicago, Illinois

Веселі Часи - Хвилинна Мрія

Перша сторінка
1. Хвилинна Мрія
words & music: J. Steciw
2. Волиняночка
3. У Вишневому Садочку
4. Ти Знаєш Що Ти Людина
words: W. Symonenko, poet; music: J.Steciw
5. Била Мене Мати
Друга сторінка
1. На Світанку
words: M. Tkach; music: O. Bilash
2. Веснякна
words: A. Naurotskyj; music: W. Filipenko
3. В’язанка
Хвилинна мрія
На світанку
Чи знаєш що ти людина
John Steciw - Cordovox, Wurlitzer Electric Piano, Hammond C-3, Moog Synthesizer, Vocals.
Antoni Slonina - Drums, Chimes, Vocals.
Stephen Frost - Trumpet, Fluegelhorn, Steinway Grand (Sorry John), Vocals, Percussion.
Phil "Rod" Rapala - Les Paul, 335-12 String, Electric Bass, Vocals.
Wayne Godzicki - Cordovox, Wurlitzer Electric Piano, String Synthesizer, Melodica, Percussion, Vocals.
Bohdan Piwtorak - Vocals.
All musical and vocal arrangements by Veseli Chasy.
Michael Frost - flute,
John Finian - Vocal / "Byla Mene Maty" and Sax / "Ty Znayesh Shcho Ty Ye Liudyna"
Special thanks to:
John Olshanskyj, Maria Havryluk, Mike Stoczanskyj
Jaroslaw G. Kulyk for the lettering
to Mal for being patient
engineered and mixed by Mal Davis
mastered by Gary Hedden
recorded at Hedden-West Studios, Shaumberg, Illinois
mastered at Disk Werks, Shaumberg, Illinois
printed by Star Ltiho Art Company, Chicago, Illinois
design and photo by John B. Olshanskyj
Produced by Input Records
Input Records 2022 West Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

Леся - Lesya

1. Якщо Любиш-Кохай
Українська Народня Пісня
обробка: ансамблю Червона Рута
Yakshcho Liubysh Kokhay
Ukrainian Folk Song
Arranged by the Chervona Ruta Ensemble
2. Червоная Калинонька
Українська Народня Пісня
обробка: Ніни Матвієнко
Chervona Kalynonka
Ukrainian Folk Song
Arranged by Nina Matviyenko
3. Тихо Над Річкою
слова: С. Черкасина - музика: П. Батюка
Tykho Nad Richkoyu
lyrics: C. Cherkasen - music: P. Batiuk
4. Ой Ти Річенько
Українська Народня Пісня
Oy Ty Richen'ko
Ukrainian Folk Song
5. Їхав Стрілець На Війноньку
слова: Романа Купчинського - музика: М. Гайворонського
Yikhav Striletz Na Vinon'ku
lyrics: Roman Kupchynsky - music: M. Hayvoronsky
Side B
1. Твої Очі
слова і музика Богдана Волянського
Tvoyi Ochi
lyrics & music: Bohdan Wolanskyj
Written for his wife
2. Ой Ти Дівчино Зарученая
Українська Народня Пісня
Oy Ty Divchyno Zaruchenaya
Ukrainian Folk Song
3. Ти Питаєш, Чи Кохаю
слова: Лесі Ясенко - музика: Марка Беднарчика
Ty Pytayesh Chy Kokhayu
lyrics: Lesya Yasenko - music: Marko Bednarczyk
4. Летів Пташок
Українська Народня Пісня
Letiv Ptashok
Ukrainian Folk Song
5. Ой Губочки Опенички
Вірш із збірника Осипа і Федіра Бодянських
мизика: Марка Беднарчика
Kokhannya-Kvitka Pryrody
lyrics: Nadia Novostavsky - music: Marko Bednarczyk
Їхав стрілець на війноньку
Якщо Любиш-Кохай
Твої Очі
Їхав стрілець на війноньку
Якщо любиш кохай
Твої очі


LESYA WOLANSKYJ (Vocals and back-up vocals);
ANDRIJ CZERNY (Keyboards & Accordion);
MARKO BEDNARCZYK (Accoustic guitars);
BILL KINAL ( Bass and acoustic guitarn)
ROMAN KOSTYK (Back-up vocals 2);
RONNIE KOLANITCH 8 (Percussion);
GLEN ROBINSON (Lead guitar solo '° & castanets ").
GLEN ROBINSON (for his invaluable support throughout this recording);
HALYNA WOLANSKYJ (for her time & relentless effort)
Produced by Lesya Wolanskyj
Assistant producer Marko Bednarczyk
Direction & arrangements by Andrij Czerny, Bill Kinal and Marko Bednarczyk
Executive producer - Bohdan Tymyc
Sound engineer - Glen Robinson
Photography - Michael Slobodian
Cover concept & design - Bohdan Tymyc & Michael Slobodian
Recorded at Sons Soleil Studio, Studio Victor and ADB Studio Montreal, Quebec - 1985COLOR AND FILM PREPARATION BY Kalligraphia inc.
YFP 1039
