
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Volodymyr Ivasiuk - Володимир Івасюк - 1949-1979


1. YELLOW LEAVES ЖОВТЕ ЛИСТЯ (3:33) Софія Ротару В. Громцев — В. Івасюк Ансамбль „Червона Рута" п. к. А. Євдокіменка
2. THE RED RUE ЧЕРВОНА РУТА (3:09) Назарій Яремчук та Василь Зінкевич В. Івасюк — муз. і сл. Ансамбль „Смерічка" п. к. Л. Дутківського
3. A SONG ABOUT YOU ПІСНЯ ПРО ТЕБЕ (3:56) Софія Ротару В. Івасюк Естрадна оркестра Українського телебачення і радіо. Художній керівник P. Бабич
4. I AM YOUR WING Я — ТВОЄ КРІІЛО (2:42) Софія Ротару В. Івасюк — P. Кудлик
Естрадна оркестра Українського телебачення і радіо. Художній керівник P. Бабич
5. TWO RINGS ДВА ПЕРСТЕНІ (2:48) Н. Яремчук В. Івасюк „Смерічка", Вокально-інструмент. ансамбль Художній керівник Левко Дугківський
6. MY UNINVITED LOVE НЕЗНАНЕ МОЄ КОХАННЯ (4:02) Людміла Артеменко В. Івасюк — P. Братунь „Водограй", Вокально-інструментальний ансамбль. Художній керівник А. Шаповал
7. THE SONG WILL BE AMONG US ПІСНЯ БУДЕ ПОМІЖ НАС (3:29) В. Дусанюк та В. Маркова В. Івасюк „Ватра", Вокально-інструментальніш ансамбль. Художній керівник Б. Кудла

1. THE RED RUE ЧЕРВОНА РУТА (2:52) Софія Ротару В. Івасюк — муз. і сл. Ансамбль Червона Рута" п. к. А. Євдокіменка
2. A BALLAD ABOUT TWO VIOLINS БАЛАДА ПРО ДВІ СКРИПКИ (5:08) В. Дусанюк та В. Маркова В. Івасюк — В. Марсюк „Ватра", Вокально-інструментальний ансамбль. Художній керівник Б. Кудла
3. INVITE ME TO DANCE ЗАПРОСИ ДО ТАНЦЮ (4:06 ) В. Івасюк — Б. Стельмах .Водограй", Вокально-інструментальний ансамбль. Художній керівник А. Шаповал
4. MY BELOVED МИЛА МОЯ (2:45) В. Зінкевич і Н. Яремчук В. Івасюк — муз. і сл.
„Смерічка", Вокально-інструментальний ансамбль. Художній керівник Л. Дутківський
В. Івасюк — В. Вознюк Вокально-інструментальний ансамбль „Червона Рута". Керівник А. Євдокіменко
6. THE DANCE OF THE WATER FOUNTAIN ВОДОГРАЙ (3:15) Софія Ротару В. Івасюк — муз. і сл. Ансамбль „Червона Рута" п. к. А. Євдокімеика -.
7. YELLOW LEAVES ЖОВТЕ ЛИСТЯ (3:20) Софія Ротару В. Громцев — В. Івасюк Ансамбль „Червона Рута" п. к. А. Євдокіменка

Kobzar Production Box 153, Station M Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6S 4T3

On May 18th,1979,Volodymyr Ivasiuk, Ukraine's youngest and most famous composer was found murdered in the Bryukhovych» Forest, a forbidden military zone ten miles outside of Lviw. The police ruled his death a suicide in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Volodymyr Ivasiuk was born on the 4th of April, 1949 in the little town of Kitsman, Chernivetska Oblast, a region of Ukraine rich in folklore and music. His father was a professor of Ukrainian literature at Chernivtsi State University and he himself a student of medicine at Chernivtsi
Medical College, when his soul was haunted by the love of music and especially the folklore of his native Bukovina. In May, 1971 his first composition, The Red Rue, was recorded by the young folk singer SOPHIYA ROTARU. It soon became the most popular song not only in Ukraine, but also a favorite with Ukrainians throughout the world.
Voiodymyr Ivasiuk was indeed a legend in his own time. His composition of over 60 songs awakened the sometimes dormant national spirit of the Ukrainian people, and like Taras Shevchenko in the 19th century and Vasyt Semonenko in the 1960's, he too became a l iving symbol of Ukrainian national consciousness. His funeral on May 22 (the same day that Shevchenko's body was brought from St. Petersburg to Kiev) was a great manifestation of patriotism. It was estimated that ten to fifteen thousand people marched in the funeral procession singing Ivasiuk's songs. At the graveside patriotic
speeches were made that dared police interference. To this day at t he grave site in Lviw's famous Lychakivsky Cemetery fresh flowers are placed in his memory by a steady stream of mourners, fans and visitors. The unsolved mystery surrounding his death lies in the question posed by millions of Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad; Who and why would someone want to murder Volodymyr Ivasiuk? Fragmented reports from Ukraine state that Ivasiuk left his parents'apartment in Lviw on April 23, 1979 to go to the music conservatory and was forced into a strange car. Other sources say he was supposed to have gone to the philharmonic, where after some time, he was called out to a waiting car and taken away. Eyewitnesses identified the vehicle as belonging to the Soviet security police — the KGB. This was the last time he was seen alive. Three weeks later soldiers found his multilated body hanging from a tree in the forest. The eyes were gouged out, his lingers broken and branches of the Kalyna tree stuck into his body. A five man medical team attributed the cause of death to be suicide, although there was no scar on his neck or air in his lungs. The bruises and lacerations on his body were never explained.
The question remains, could one young Ukrainian composer have posed such a threat to the creation of "the new Soviet man" that he had to be eliminated in such a brutal and primitive way?
Although Volodymyr Ivasiuk is dead, Ukraine has gained another in the long line of martyrs who gave their lives for a humanitarian cause. His beautiful compositions, however, will remain immortal and continue to inspire freedom loving Ukrainians for generations to come.

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